Sunday, May 23, 2010

Aïdokpo Nounagnon (When we are united, we can do much)

The name the group of women I work with chose for themselves. It inspired me and I was excited to write about this. When we are united, we can do much. For the past two months we have been united in saving money and the past two meetings we have been united in giving loans to each other. This week we are going to be united in planting seeds, Moringa to be exact. Please pray for these plants. If they grow, we will be able to sell the powder that can be made out of the leaves from this tree. The powder from the leaves, the flowers, and even the pods themselves all has great nutritional benefits. The grains hold most of the vitamins and minerals that need to be consumed in a day; which is why it is a great tool in fighting malnutrition in children, giving nutrients to breastfeeding women, and helping the elderly. As I look at these seeds, I think of the mustard seed faith in the Bible. I pray that this year my faith will continue to be like a mustard seed, that I can look at the things that are before me and see the great potential that is in store for them. God please see the hope that we have in you, unite us and help our group. Bless the ground and the preparation of the land that we are about to undertake. When we are united, with you, we can do much.

1 comment:

  1. Laura, this is beautiful! I'm excited about your little group of women. :)
